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Mostrando entradas de diciembre 24, 2017

Apología a Don Nadie - Sofía Lino

Sofía Victoria Lino PENSAMIENTO GLOBAL I am agree...  un shortkut a la vida misma... lightness  less perfect than this  than that  Dan den--- Impoluting fish and korn  word´s mistakes... mistakens I am agree I am one in a million  I am just another number I am your t-shirt speaking english  Saying “I love you New York city” I am agree If the lord gave us light we should be good mates and give it back. So he can illuminate our ways  so we can easily find oil.  And even when it's true that the world envies us  it's equally true that it mustn't be easy not to be an American ... Americán Somos un nuevo enjambre de reyes.  De conquistadores.  Tenemos pasión en las venas. Orgullosos de nuestra consciencia y moral  Moral Proud of murder for peace  proud of Mexican kills. Proud of having the power to tying you with chains  And using it…  Thanks God to protect us....